For many DMSB alumni, technician training marked the start of their careers – and their time in Braunschweig was something very special. There are many good reasons to return the favor and get involved at a later stage.
“The Deutsche Müllerschule Braunschweig is a matter close to our hearts.” The members of the board of trustees of the Förderverein DMSB e. V. booster club confirmed this statement as if with one voice. It is therefore hardly surprising how much commitment the sponsors put into their alma mater. After all, the booster club’s activities go far beyond financial support.
“Of course, we contribute to school costs, finance guest lecturers or help with purchases,” explains Andreas Kastenmüller, Managing Director of Stefan Kastenmüller GmbH in Martinsried. “But I think the most important support for the next generation of millers lies in communication. We are the interface between industry and the DMSB, our members give talks at the Open Day or at “Glück zu” events. This way, we can offer an insight into the world of work that perfectly complements academic education.” Quite a few graduates have found their new jobs this way after graduation and gratefully pass on this experience today as alumni. Often, they themselves or their companies are then booster club members.
A network for life
And of course, this commitment is not entirely altruistic: after all, where better to recruit new employees than among DMSB graduates? Membership of the booster club ensures that contact is maintained and regular meetings, for example at project presentations or graduates’ farewell parties, facilitate communication. “We all experienced during our studies how fruitful communication with the industry is thanks to the booster club and the student fraternity. You quickly realize how much the network pays off in your job, because in the milling environment, DMSB alumni immediately have something in common. We all benefit enormously from this. And of course, we also want to pass this on,” says Andreas Kastenmüller, explaining his involvement in the booster club.
Wide circle of sponsors
Sponsors come not only from the milling industry, but also from the fields of milling-related plant engineering, compound feedstuff production, the subcontracting industry, or services. The booster club member does not have to be a natural person; companies and associations are also welcome as sponsors. Over 100 companies, associations and private individuals have now joined – and the trend is rising. Without the booster club, the DMSB would be much poorer. This starts with teaching aids, such as the multifunctional board or computers and ends with the virtual classroom. Such investments are not possible from the public purse, but are indispensable for modern training.
“Without the booster club, the DMSB would not be able to offer many things,” Andreas Kastenmüller explains. “We strive to support training and everyday teaching as much as possible, so that graduates have the best foundations as industry practitioners.”