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Special path dual studies: To management in three steps
The titles “State-certified Technician” and “Master” are not enough? Then there is a third option: the dual course of study for a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). The dual course was initiated by Amandus Kahl, a machine and plant manufacturer in Reinbek. Robert Delefski is the first graduate to report on his experiences. “After I finished… Read now→
Long title, best chances
“State-certified technician specialising in mill construction, grain and animal feed technology” with a focus on milling- related plant engineering or milling- related process engineering – this title does not simply fit on the business card, but opens many doors. Prerequisite: completed vocational training Process technology in the milling and cereals industry or related professions in… Read now→
Wanted: employees!
Skills shortage! For small and mid-sized companies in Germany and Europe, this is a very familiar problem that they must deal with daily. Many companies are currently suffering from the fact that the process of recruiting well-trained staff is becoming increasingly difficult and taking longer and longer. What remains is the option of recruiting skilled… Read now→